Have you ever suspected that a hacker could silently observe your email interactions with your clients and your staff? If you manage your own email infrastructure, we want to highlight the importance of email encryption. Encryption keeps your business’ email communications secure and compliant so you can worry less about security and privacy to focus more on running your business.
Here are three potential consequences of failing to encrypt your email communications.
The big one to consider is that you’ll be charged out the wazoo in regulatory and compliance fines for failing to protect sensitive information.
Think about it; how much sensitive information is exchanged by email at your business? Even if it’s not directly included in the body of the email, how many attachments are sent that contain personal or sensitive information? Without encryption, any onlooker could easily pluck this data out of your inbox and use it for nefarious purposes.
And whenever you breach the security and privacy of others, you’re sure to get slapped with serious fines that can break your budget and jeopardize your business for the foreseeable future.
What would your customers and clients think if they found out you don’t encrypt your email?
Never underestimate the power of a bad review or a local op-ed in the paper about how you don’t take security seriously. If potential clients are informed of a reason not to work with you—especially one related to security and privacy—they will consider other options, period. Worse yet, your current customers could jump ship and go work with one of your competitors, which directly impacts your bottom line and profits.
Seriously, who wants to work with a business that doesn’t take security seriously? Not me; that’s for sure.
What would you do if your biggest competitors had access to the tech and strategies that make your business what it is?
If your business has industry secrets or intellectual property to maintain, you really do need email encryption to ensure communications pertaining to those secrets are not leaked to competitors. Otherwise, you run the risk of ideas, thoughts, patents, and other IP falling into the hands of people who will steal your clientele. Worse yet, you might end up fighting prolonged legal battles and paying exorbitant fines due to these legal battles over your IP, which nobody wants.
Protect what’s yours with email encryption before it inevitably is no longer yours.
Preferred can work with your business to encrypt your email communications and keep your company’s messages safe. Learn more by calling us today at 708-781-7110.
Phishing is a common trick where hackers pretend to be someone you trust to steal your personal information. For example, they might send an email that looks like it's from your bank, asking you to verify your account details. Here's why it's so effective.
Preferred is once again, honored for being a Best Place to Work for the fifth straight year! Our team is what makes Preferred a Best Place to Work.
Daily Herald Suburban Business 2024 Best Places to Work Honorees The Daily Herald Suburban Business has announced the names of 51 companies, in 5 categories of competition, that are honored as the 2024 Best Places to Work in Illinois. This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Illinois, benefiting the state's economy, its workforce and businesses.