Many businesses struggle with IT maintenance and management. Maybe they don’t have the resources to perform in-house maintenance due to a lack of funding and, consequently, the inability to hire full-time technicians. Maybe they believe that their technology is perfectly fine as is and doesn’t require regular maintenance. We’re here to burst that bubble; you should always have maintenance at the top of mind, and in today’s business environment, there is no excuse not to.
Let’s say that your organization is one of the former businesses who isn’t proactive with their IT maintenance initiatives and only performs it every so often. You’re plugging along and making great progress on some projects while keeping operations moving forward without incident. All of a sudden, your computer crashes, or worse. Maybe you suffer from hardware failure on the server side of things, or a hacking attack renders your infrastructure vulnerable. In either case, you find yourself taking a reactive stance to the issue at hand.
Now let’s consider the opposite side of things. If you are proactive in your IT maintenance, you could have identified the telltale signs of failure before they happen. In the case of a hacking attack, adequately protecting your organization ahead of time could have prevented the attack in the first place. This is why it is critical to take advantage of proactive IT; you can always respond to issues, but preventing them entirely has a greater value in reduced downtime and costs accrued.
With remote maintenance, you don’t need to have the technician come to your office to perform maintenance. Sure, some tasks might require a physical on-site presence, but the majority of issues that your network or solutions might face can be resolved without an on-site visit. This allows you to get the help when it’s needed rather than waiting around for when it is convenient for the technician to get to your office. Furthermore, patches and security updates can be applied as they are made available, meaning that they can essentially be deployed at any time.
That being said, remote maintenance is something that can be performed in that moment if it’s something that is absolutely necessary. If you are experiencing problems with your technology that prevent you from getting value out of it, technicians can remote into your systems and resolve the issue. It’s a great way to cut out downtime, which is one of the many business killers out there that can have lasting ramifications long after it fades.
When you require an on-site visit, you are generally paying multiple bills, so to speak. You are paying for the technician’s travel time to and from your office. You are paying for the downtime that the problem is causing for your business. You are paying for your staff to sit around and twiddle their thumbs while you figure out how to sort out the issue. Wouldn’t it be easier to just have the technician resolve the problem without that on-site visit? We think so.
When you work with Preferred for your remote technology maintenance needs, you are taking the first step toward securing your organization’s long-term future. We can work with your business to provide sustainable and proactive maintenance that prolongs the health of your IT infrastructure. To learn more, give us a call at 708-781-7110.
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